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The Witherspoon Institute

Every naval aviator who reads the Witherspoon articles will immediately recognize the format and it’s character. Dr. Witherspoon is a clone of another irascible old expert who gives advice about mishaps and how to prevent them. It is fitting we give due recognition to the inspiration for our series, the legendary “Grampaw Pettibone.”


Global Reach with Local Understanding

What is the "Witherspoon" Project?

The "Witherspoon" Project is a series of articles targeting health care professionals and their patients. They take inspiration from the format and character of the "Grampaw Pettibone" articles, which were aimed at naval aviators to educate them about accidents and their prevention.

Who was Grampaw Pettibone?

Grampaw Pettibone was a character created by Capt. Seth Warner and Lt. Robert Osborne during WWII. This character was featured in articles published in Naval Aviation News magazine, offering lively critiques and analysis of aviation accidents to promote safety among pilots.

How does the Witherspoon Project benefit healthcare professionals and patients?

The articles offer lessons about classic mistakes in medicine, aiming to educate readers so they can prevent such errors in the future. Though the topics are serious, the articles are crafted to be engaging and fun to read, promoting learning through entertainment.

Where does the material for the articles come from?

The material for the articles is obtained from public-access disciplinary files of state medical boards, malpractice case files, and occasionally, personal experiences of physicians. Cases are discussed with the appropriate specialist to ensure accuracy.

Are there any themes in the Witherspoon articles?

Regular readers will see recurrent themes such as overlooked lab or study results, communication errors, and missed injuries in trauma patients among others. The project tries to focus on cases that offer valuable lessons.

Do the Witherspoon articles only discuss errors?

No, while the articles mainly discuss mistakes and their prevention, there are also occasional "good save" articles that are fun to write about and read.


Education through Engagement

The content of the articles is not only informative but also engaging and fun to read. This approach enhances the learning experience for the readers, encouraging them to assimilate the important lessons the articles aim to convey.


Promotion of Safety

Both the "Grampaw Pettibone" and the "Witherspoon" articles emphasize the prevention of accidents and errors, whether in aviation or healthcare. The projects value the safety of professionals and those they serve above all else.


Respect for Expertise

The projects honor the wisdom and expertise of experienced professionals, represented by characters like Grampaw Pettibone and Dr. Witherspoon. These figures serve as mentors, offering valuable advice to help avoid common mishaps.


Open Access and Transparency

The articles utilize material from public access sources such as state medical boards or malpractice case files. This demonstrates a commitment to openness, accessibility, and transparency, fostering trust among readers.

Looking for fun and learning together?

If you have queries about our work, our sources, or even just want to share how our content has influenced you, we’d love to hear from you. Please reach out to us at or fill out the contact form on our website.


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People love to read it because these valuable resources have proven effective in promoting safety and reducing errors in both fields.

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